
Description: Discover, buy, collect Canadian literature

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We'll send you bi-monthly updates to keep you in the loop on the best of our blog, special campaigns and offers, AND news on the latest in literary fiction, nonfiction and poetry from indie publishers across Canada.

Believe it or not, it's our eighth (!) annual Summer Book Club here at All Lit Up, but we're as excited as if it were our first. The reasons why are no-brainers: we're reading the genre-bending Indigenous crime novel  Humane by Anna Marie Sewell in July, and Kat Sandler' ...

We chat with writer and poet Carellin Brooks about the lengths we still need to go regarding queer representation, even within the community, LGBTQ2S+ books she always recommends, and which writers influenced her newest book of poetry  Learned (Book*hug Press).

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