- The Anti-Greenwash Charter | For a Truly Sustainable Future

Description: Build confidence in your green claims, strengthen stakeholder trust, and combat greenwashing by signing The Anti-Greenwash Charter.

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Take action today by signing the Anti-Greenwash Charter and adopting a Green Claims Policy to demonstrate your organisation’s commitment to responsible marketing. With your support, we can limit the negative impact of greenwashing and move towards a truly sustainable future.

Greenwashing has been a problem in the built environment industry for some time. Back in 2012, the AECB’s Annual Members’ Conference was even branded “Never Mind the Greenwash”.

Sadly, the problem is still widespread ten years later, despite the Grenfell Tower disaster in 2017 . Research by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) found that up to 40% of green claims made online in 2021 could be misleading, and the built environment industry is not immune.

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