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Led by death educator and grief counselor Dr. Alan Wolfelt, we are an organization dedicated to helping people who are grieving and those who care for them. Perhaps someone you love has died, or you want to help a grieving friend or family member. Or maybe you are a professional or volunteer grief caregiver. Either way, we are here to offer resources and understanding. We invite you to explore our website and call us at (970) 226-6050 if you have any questions. Thank you for visiting. We hope to meet you in

Our director, Dr. Alan Wolfelt, has been recognized as one of North America’s leading death educators and grief counselors. His books have sold more than a million copies worldwide and have been translated into many languages.  He founded the Center for Loss in 1984 to offer education and support both to grievers and bereavement caregivers. Well respected for his inspiring teaching ability, Dr. Wolfelt is a past recipient of the Association for Death Education Death Educator Award.  He is known around the w

Learn more about our four-day educational seminars for bereavement caregivers, taught by Dr. Wolfelt

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