davidrevoy.com - David Revoy - Artist, Instructor, using only Free/Libre and Open-Source software since 2009.

Description: Website of David Revoy (aka Deevad), artist and instructor using only Free/Libre and Open-Source software since 2009.

illustration (16026) digital (14866) freelance (7593) david (1482) 2d (1362) webcomic (591) revoy (4) divad (3) deevad (2) daveed (1)

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Each artworks and articles have their own license. Read their license on the bottom of each article for more information. A questions about reusing a content? I probably answer it in the License F.A.Q.

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Website made by me with a self-hosted PluXml . If you meet an issue, thanks to let me know at [email protected] .

Links to davidrevoy.com (47)