- Autonomous data trust measurement and monitoring | FirstEigen

Description: See how you can simplify your data quality error identification process with FirstEigen’s solutions

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Autonomous Trust-Score for Data Go beyond Data Observability, measure Data Trustability with AI/ML Schedule a Demo Ask us about the free trial BUCK - Generative AI for Data Trustability Webinar on the use of generative AI for autonomously monitoring Data Trustability. Register for access.

Autonomous Data Monitoring for Cloud and Lake Data Warehouses, Lakes and Clouds are notoriously error prone. The process of validating their Data Quality (DQ) is laborious manual work and is far from satisfactory. Unfortunately, >95% of your data is dark data – unmonitored, unvalidated and unreliable. Every step it moves downstream, errors get exponentially compounded. It takes 10x cost to fix it, if you can detect it all. What you don’t detect is unmitigated business risk.

What Is DataBuck? Data errors due to “Systems Risks” are the biggest contributors to untrustworthy data. As ETL jobs move data around, errors creep in and steadily multiply like cancer across an enterprise. For every step the error spreads, it takes 10x more cost and effort to fix it.

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