leonidk.com - Leonid Keselman

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I am a PhD student at the Robotics Institute , part of the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University , where I work on 3D computer vision. My PhD advisor is Martial Hebert .

From 2011 to 2017, I worked at Intel , as part of Intel RealSense . I primarily designed computer vision algorithms for efficient hardware ASICs, including the Intel RealSense R200 and D400 RGB-D sensors. Additionally, I worked on software APIs , active illumination systems , human-computer interaction devices , and helped develop demos for trade shows, including CES 2012-2016.

I have an MS in Computer Science (AI focus) from Stanford University , where I was a research assistant for Silvio Savarese and a teaching assistant for Fei-Fei Li ( CS131 & CS231N ). I have a BS in EECS from UC Berkeley , where I worked in Kris Pister's lab.

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