- Metro UI - Popular HTML, CSS and JS library

Description: Are you tired of Bootstrap? Get started with Metro UI, the popular framework for building responsive, mobile-first sites in Metro style, with the Metro CDN and a template starter page. The most popular HTML, CSS, and JS library in Metro style.

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MetroUI is an open-source frontend toolkit inspired by Microsoft Fluent (former Metro) design principles. You can consider it as a Bootstrap replacement for web sites that need a fresh and catchy look. MetroUI includes everything you need to build your frontend app: responsive grid system, 100+ prebuilt components, 500+ incons, and powerful JavaScript plugins.

More than 100 reusable components for all kinds of frontend tasks: navigation, alerts, dropdowns, inputs and much more

MetroUI library has no dependencies on any third-party libraries. Everything you might need is included in the toolkit.

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