- naafa

Description: NAAFA is the premier fat-rights organization working to end discrimination based on body size. We are a member supported, all-volunteer, non-profit organization established in 1969. We promote Equalty At Every Size and are working to see body size added to the anti-discrimination legislation in all jurisdictions.

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One-third of the world’s population is fat, yet fat people are discriminated against in all aspects of daily life. For over 50 years, NAAFA has worked to make the world a better place for fat people through education, advocacy, and support. We are a multigenerational, intersectional social justice organization creating opportunity for big bodied people and building community for fat people and our loved ones. Our work towards #EqualityAtEverySize is changing the world!

Campaign for Size Freedom log with tag line that states, “Because every body deserves the freedom to thrive.”

All bodies deserve care, love and respect. The Campaign for Size Freedom continues the fight to end body size discrimination. The Campaign is led by NAAFA and FLARE (Fat Legal Advocacy, Rights and Education Project, a project of the law office of Brandie Solovay), and supported by Dove.

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