opcfoundation.org - Home Page - OPC Foundation

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In today’s complex economy, information is the key to business success and profitability. OPC technologies were created to allow information to be easily and securely exchanged between diverse platforms from multiple vendors and to allow seamless integration of those platforms without costly, time-consuming software development. This frees engineering resources to do the more important work of running your business. Today, there are more than 5,200 suppliers who have created more than 42,000 different OPC p

Scottsdale, AZ – July 1th, 2023: The OPC Foundation would like to thank all participants for their participation and all speakers for their amazing support at the “OPC Day 2023 – Interational”. With 2142 registered attendees in 2023, we saw a significant increase in the number of participants compared to last year with 1814 attendees. […]

Parma, Italy May, 23rd 2023 – ANIE Automazione and OPC Foundation are proud to announce a comprehensive collaboration program, focusing on the technology transfer and adoption of OPC UA for the Italian market. ANIE Automazione and OPC Foundation have agreed to the following activities: Realizing interoperability demos on the “field level” and “field-to-cloud” paradigms. Extensive […]

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