- Parabola | PARABOLA

Description: Four times a year for nearly 50 years Parabola has gathered the wisdom of the world’s spiritual traditions to illuminate the central questions of life.

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“May this issue of  Parabola  help all of us to understand our own lives in this sacred Cosmos.”

Edward Bruce Bynum Feb 1, 2023 Many people may be surprised to learn that the surface of our brain is actually dark and that this darkness has consequences for our experience of consciousness and transformation itself, including our ultimate transformation at death. It also has consequences for the most subtle form of light we know, the light we associate with religious and spiritual experience. Light and death stand as great rivers in human experience, unavoidable and woven inexplicably…

Online Exclusives Web Exclusives A Welcome Oasis: The 27th All & Everything International Humanities Conference I would first and foremost like to follow an age-old injunction that every writer, before giving out any advice or critique to anyone else, should obligingly give an honest account of their journey. So before doing an appraisal of the…

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