policyexchange.org.uk - Policy Exchange - Policy Exchange

Description: Policy Exchange is the UK’s leading think tank. As an educational charity our mission is to develop and promote new policy ideas which deliver better public services, a stronger society and a more dynamic economy.

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November 20, 2023 ‘Blasphemy’ in Schools November 5, 2023 The Crown Prosecution Service’s approach to transgenderism November 4, 2023 The ‘Wicked and the Redeemable’ October 27, 2023 Sovereignty and Security in the Indian Ocean October 26, 2023 History Matters Project Compendium 15th Edition October 21, 2023 The future is safe and legal October 16, 2023 What do we want from the King’s Speech? October 2, 2023 Web3: Democratising the Internet Bill Gates speaks to Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP in an exclusive Policy E

The founder of Microsoft argues that innovation is the key to breakthroughs on climate change, especially in winning over India and China to the net zero agenda. He praises the UK’s climate leadership, noting that Britain “gets a very good grade on climate progress” and has been “exemplary” on reducing  carbon emissions. Gates’s remarks on climate change were picked up by The Times, Financial Times. Evening Standard, and CNBC. Turning to the pandemic, Gates warns that tens of billions need to be spent in a

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