- Republic Of Conscience | ConscienceLAND The Free Territory of Citizens Of Conscience

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2019 is going to be an important year… last year’s crazy weather, politics, social and economic tipping points as well as the frightening IPCC and Club of Rome reports have left little doubt that we’re in for an even crazier ride into the future.

As you will discover, ConscienceLAND / The Republic Of Conscience is a long-term effort of the McMaster Institute for Sustainable Development in Commerce to develop a MASS MOBILIZATION of societies around the world with a common goal: the

(You can become a Patreon supporter here: )  Clearly, we must begin the nearly impossible job of turning this ship around… we need RADICAL departures from “Business As Usual” thinking and must non-violently DEFY the Invisible Hand of those (evil) forces that would exploit our children’s future for today’s profit.

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