- St. Gertrude the Great

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Roman Catholic Church | Traditional Latin Mass

August, September, and October have always been my favorite months because of the weather, the return of the school children, and the Feast Days that occur on the liturgical calendar. This week, for instance, we have some of our most popular saints—the Curè d’Ars and his miracle worker/ friend, St. Philomena; St. Lawrence; St. Clare, who is the patron of television because of her heavenly vision of the Mass while she was cooped up in her cell during an illness. Of course, next week is one of the best Marian

We are hashing out the details for the fast-approaching seminary year. It is a little challenging to find the perfect balance in scheduling because of the three hour time difference. All the clergy will have to sacrifice something in order to make this work, but I am very confident that this can be done. I am not sure if it has been mentioned before, but we have four seminarians at this point. Two of them have already completed one year of study while two more are just starting out. It is a good start to th

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