- Tcl & Tk Training Courses

Description: RTD delivers courses in cross-platform command scripting using the Tcl programming language and its Tk graphical extension toolkit

training (23358) it (17857) development (16252) courses (3627) real-time (653) tk (213) rtd (152) tcl (95) expect (14) tkinter (11)

Example domain paragraphs

Tcl (Tool Command Language) is a scripting language that with a simple syntax and cross-platform support. It is known for rapid development and extensibility. As such it is a popular choice for automated hardware and software testing. Tcl provides easy access to networking facilities and is also commonly used to generate dynamic web pages.

With its Tk toolkit, Tcl provides facilities for creating GUIs that are very simple yet remarkably powerful.

Programming with Tcl/Tk

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