- The Economic Collapse

Description: Are You Prepared For The Coming Economic Collapse And The Next Great Depression?

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Are You Prepared For The Coming Economic Collapse And The Next Great Depression?

Is the global dominance of the U.S. dollar in danger?  In recent weeks, there has been lots of speculation about the introduction of a new BRICS currency that would be backed by gold.  In this article, my goal is to sort through what is true and what is not true.  From August 22nd to August 24th, the 15th BRICS summit will be held in Johannesburg, South Africa.  Back on July 5th, RT sparked a firestorm of rumors when it reported that a decision to introduce a new BRICS currency that would be backed by gold

Have you had your eyes scanned by “The Orb” yet?  All it takes is just one trip, and once your biometric data is in the database you will receive some free money and a new “digital identity” that you will be able to use all over the Internet.  Doesn’t that sound grand?  As you will see below, hundreds of thousands of people in Europe have already signed up.  Those that have created Worldcoin intend for it to be “a new identity and financial network” that is owned by everyone on the entire planet.  The follo

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