wellappointeddesk.com - The Well-Appointed Desk - For the love of pens, paper, office supplies and a beautiful place to work

Description: Stationery, Office Supplies, Fountain Pens, Pencils, Notebooks, Reviews, Ink, Paper, Desk Supplies

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For the love of pens, paper, office supplies and a beautiful place to work

Over the last few months, I’ve been collecting some of the rub-on/rub-down/transfer stickers. I grew up using rub-on transfer letters known sold by Letraset and other companies so the revival of rub-on graphics is a bit nostaligc for me.

I have two brands to show: MU Series Print-On Stickers ($3.35 per set of two sheets) and Midori Transfer Stickers for Journaling ($5 per sheet).

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