wishfulendings.com - Wishful Endings

Description: A book blog for YA, clean adult, and Christian romance reviews, features, and giveaways.

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Can't-Wait Wednesday  is a weekly meme hosted here, at Wishful Endings , to spotlight and discuss the books we're excited about...

Get updates on freebies, giveaways and fun bookish posts each month!

Welcome to Wishful Endings! This is where I geek out about all things bookish. You'll find me talking about YA, Romance, Christian Romance, LDS Romance, and occasionally other genres and hobby titles. I always include content info in my reviews so you know what you're diving into. I enjoy helping publishers and authors promote their books here and over at Prism Book Tours. Outside of blogging, I'm a total Marvel geek, Austen fan, and enjoy hanging with the family (husband, four kiddos, and pup).

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