- Alibaba Cloud: Cloud Computing Services

Description: Alibaba Cloud is one of the world's largest cloud computing companies, providing scalable, secure, and reliable cloud computing services globally to accelerate digitalization empowered by comprehensive cloud products and solutions.

cloud computing (67218) cloud solutions (374) cloud computing services (60) global cloud servers (9) global cloud services (8) global cloud solutions (8) global cloud service provider (8) cloud computing companies (8) alibaba cloud europe (7) cloud products (4)

Example domain paragraphs

"As a leading hospitality company, IHG has always been the pioneer in digital change to keep its pole position in an increasingly technology driven and interconnected world. In this digital era, we are fully devoted to providing the best guest experience in a sustainable and global manner."

“SparkFabrik and Alibaba Cloud helped Caleffi face new challenges by offering technological assistance, consultancy services, and operative solutions. This collaboration enabled the Italian headquarters to gain complete control of its Chinese digital property while at the same time giving full management autonomy to the Chinese branch.”

Partnering with Alibaba Cloud has helped Median Technologies optimize IT infrastructure and focus on pushing the boundaries of today’s MedTech solutions to deliver better patient care tomorrow.

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