- Wandern & Schwimmen in den Alpen - Wildswimming Alpen

Description: Zu den schönsten Bergseen, Wildbächen und Wasserfällen wandern und in diesen schwimmen. Wildswimming in den Alpen. Ratgeber. Gleich informieren-registrieren !

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I am pleased that you have found the-hopefully not too stony-way to my alpine-swimming-blog. But what has one to imagine now exactly under the concept of Alpine-swimming that I have coined? Alpine Swimming is for me everything you need to know about wildswimming in the Alps, i.e. the wild Alpine swimming. Depending on the location, this also includes a more or less distinct swim-hiking component. Wild dipping, on the other hand, refers to activities that are more about wild bathing than swimming-this will a

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The most beautiful and most enjoyable swimming holidays under the sun? Please, here they are: a wonderful swimming area that invites you to go island hopping, relaxing sight-swimming and swimming with dolphins. German-speaking hosts who, in their pretty apartments, do their utmost to pamper their guests and serve them with local delicacies. A dedicated and competent tour guide including swimming guiding by experienced open water swimmers, which responds to each group member and ensures that it remains safe

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