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THE ASTRAEA LESBIAN FOUNDATION FOR JUSTICE is the only philanthropic organization working exclusively to advance LGBTQI human rights around the globe. We support brilliant and brave grantee partners in the U.S and internationally who challenge oppression and seed change. We work for racial, economic, social, and gender justice, because we all deserve to live our lives freely, without fear, and with dignity.

Over the past four decades, Astraea has devoted over $31,000,000 to grassroots activists in nearly half the world. From Missoula, Montana to Cape Town, South Africa, we’ve supported countless struggles and successes in LGBTQI human rights. To learn more about the passionate activists behind these movements for gender, racial, economic, and social justice, take our interactive globe for a spin!

A donation to Astraea reaches across the globe, fueling campaigns for constitutional protections, combating forced “rehabilitation” clinics for lesbians, and fighting for the right for self-determination for trans people. Very few foundations are supporting the crucial work of LGBTI activists in the U.S. and around the globe—in fact, 0.2% of all foundation dollars nationally support these issues. Astraea exists to change that. And you can too.

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