aytzim.org - Aytzim: Ecological Judaism — Aytzim: Ecological Judaism

Description: Aytzim (meaning "trees" in Hebrew) is a New York-based secular, progressive and pluralistic Jewish environmental organization that is a U.S.-registered 501(c)(3) tax-deductible nonprofit charity, incorporated as the Green Zionist Alliance. Aytzim has five projects: (1) Green Zionist Alliance: The Grassroots Campaign for a Sustainable Israel. The Green Zionist Alliance works to protect and educate about the environment of Israel and the Middle East. (2) Jewcology: Home of the Jewish Environmental Movement. W

israel (2292) israeli (167) rabbis (24) israelis (20) cantors (15) aytzim (10) jewcology (10) shomrei breishit (10) rabbis and cantors for the earth (10) green zionist alliance (10)

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