- Bank of South Sudan - 2023

Description: The Bank of South Sudan is the central bank of the Republic of South Sudan. Established in July 2011. Advertising + Marketing.

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SEO, PPC, and advertising are three different topics but they sit side by side in your digital marketing strategy. This article will highlight some myths and facts about each:

SEO is the acronym for Search Engine Optimization. It’s a process that helps your website appear on search engine result pages so that when people type your keyword, it’s given priority over other websites. SEO is a strategy that aims to achieve a certain rank on the search engines, by getting more visitors and improving your website traffic. Source:

PPC (which stands for Paid-Per-Click) is an online advertising model that requires payment every time someone clicks on an ad. It’s also known as CPC (Cost Per Click) . Although PPC is still a very powerful digital marketing channel, over the years it has been overtaken by SEO.

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