- Bill O'Reilly | No Spin News

Description: Watch Bill O'Reilly's No Spin News on your TV at 6pm eastern

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If you read stuff on the internet, be very careful. There are absolutely no standards of honesty or civility on some websites, and spending time on them will hurt you in many ways. Most of all, it will diminish your humanity.

Sadistic people roam the net and post awful things. Everyone knows that. In the past, being a guttersnipe could get you sued or punched. President Andrew Jackson shot it out with smear merchants.

One of my guiding principles is "people believe what they want to believe." I came to that rather late in life, so, to my regret, I wasted a colossal amount of time trying to persuade folks who simply wouldn't change their thinking because they didn't want to. Why did I bother engaging them?

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