- Blue Buffalo | Natural, Healthy Dog Foods, Cat Foods & Treats

Description: Blue Buffalo is the #1-selling natural pet food brand, featuring a variety of dog foods, cat foods, and treats. Love them like family. Feed them like family.

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(function () { // we have two divs on the page, #cMobile to detect mobile and #cTablet to detect tablet - if visible, it's that one. The visibility is handled by media queries, to offload the check to css. var divs = ['cMobile', 'cTablet'], curr, hel = document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0], addClass = function () { var c, cName for (div in divs) { hel.classList.remove('Mobile') hel.classList.remove('Tablet') hel.classList.remove('Desktop') var obj = document.getElementById(divs[div]) if (obj.offsetWidth

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