- By James Bow

Description: My Books. My Thoughts. My Writing.

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My Books. My Thoughts. My Writing.

If you learn nothing else from my experience this past week, please take this advice: if you encounter oddities in your vision that look like large floaters, but act more like dead pixels, that actually occlude part of your vision, drop everything and call a doctor. Better yet, call an optometrist. While I am confident that I will regain enough of my eyesight in my left eye to be able to correct my vision to 20-20 again, possibly, acting on these warning signs could have caught my detached retina earlier.

Last Saturday, and Sunday, one of those large floaters started to change colour, going from black to white, and started obscuring a greater part of my vision. Realizing this was no ordinary floater, I called Ontario's Telehealth system (811) and gave them my symptoms. They told me to check into the emergency room at Grand River Hospital. They saw me after about three hours waiting (not bad, considering), looked at my eye, listened to my symptoms, and booked me an appointment for Monday afternoon to see an o

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