- BusinessEurope

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Presidents of BusinessEurope’s member federations gathered in Brussels at the invitation of the Federation of Enterprises in Belgium (VBO-FEB). They presented business priorities for the upcoming Belgian EU Presidency to the Belgian government. "We urge the incoming Belgian Presidency to finalise the adoption of the proposals that are essential for the competitiveness and development of European SMEs", BusinessEurope President Fredrik Persson said. "We call on the Belgian Presidency to ensure that the EU cr

What to expect of the EU economy in 2024 and what is needed to boost long-term prosperity? Watch our Chief Economist James Watson comment on the findings of our Autumn 2023 Economic Outlook .

Ahead of the European elections 2024, we urge European political parties to ensure that the European Union takes the necessary measures to strengthen Europe’s economy. During the next political cycle, the EU needs to put competitiveness at the forefront. Having a strong economy is necessary to defend our European way of life and European interests abroad. It enhances our ability to promote our values and reinforces our attractiveness as an investment destination and as a partner for free-trade agreements. A

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