- Carbon Engineering | Direct Air Capture of CO2 | Home

Description: Learn about our groundbreaking carbon removal technology that can be used to create large-scale carbon removal from the atmosphere.

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We believe we can create a future in which our children and neighbours inherit the same planet we’ve enjoyed; where we deliver prosperity and well-being while avoiding environmental impact. Creating this future will require leadership, collaboration, and creativity, and will involve a diversity of new technologies, business ideas, and social innovation. Getting there is a challenge, but also an imperative.

At Carbon Engineering, our contribution to this future is a Direct Air Capture technology – more than 13 years in the making – that captures carbon dioxide directly out of the atmosphere.

Unlike capturing emissions from industrial flue stacks, our technology captures carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) – the primary greenhouse gas responsible for climate change – directly out of the air around us. This can help counteract today’s unavoidable CO 2 emissions, and address the large quantities of CO 2 emitted in the past that remains trapped in our atmosphere.

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