dioceseduluth.org - Diocese of Duluth | Duluth, MN

Description: Catholic Diocese of Duluth, serving northeastern Minnesota. Find parishes, Mass times, schools, RCIA, vocations, and Bishop Daniel Felton.

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Serving the 10 counties of northeastern Minnesota

Jesus lived, he died, and rose again from the dead! Alleluia! If we believe in him, we, too, shall live, die, and rise again in and through Jesus. Alleluia! That pretty much summarizes all that we proclaim as missionary disciples of Jesus Christ. We also refer to that proclamation as kerygma , the core of our belief. It is also called the Paschal Mystery: that is, that no matter what life might bring, for better or worse, even death itself, there always will be new life and resurrection. Read more >>

The Families First Project is an advocacy campaign of the Minnesota Catholic Conference to remove economic roadblocks that Minnesotans confront along their journey of forming and raising a family. This week’s column focuses on one Families First policy proposal that would make life a bit easier for new parents by reducing the tax burden they encounter when purchasing necessities for their newborn baby: a sales tax exemption on baby products. Read more >>

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