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“The one regret, I guess, today is that maybe quite a few of us will go home, look ourselves in the mirror and ask ‘have we given the best version of ourselves?’ and the answer is ‘no’. Trivela Advertisement“I mean as in producing their best footballing performance.

I could just feel a flatness, maybe the emotion of the game got to us and they capitalised on that, as simple as that. ”Duff had some difficult calls to make as regards his starting XI, but had no regrets in that regard, saying: “Speaking in hindsight, I still would have picked the same team.

”He continued: “We gave away poor goals, that’s a collective, it’s not the staff and them. Que esporte devo praticar The goals you could argue were all things we talked about and touched on on the training pitch during the week but I guess it’s about doing it under the lights at the stadium.

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