- Event Safety Alliance

Example domain paragraphs

The Event Safety Guide is the United States’ first published safety guidance directed specifically at the live event industry. Culled from existing life safety standards and the insight of top professionals within the event industry, The Event Safety Guide compiles the best operational practices currently available in the live event industry in a single easily referenced manual.

The scope of this standard covers the consideration, development and use of event planning strategies that mitigate weather-related risks associated with live events, and with their associated temporary special event structures. Its scope includes both indoor and outdoor events, because each have considerations for the event participants. Its scope includes only public-access events, and private events where jurisdictional permits are required. This document is one part of a larger collection of standards r

The scope of this standard is to define "crowd management" as distinguished from "crowd control", to provide an overview of crowd management theory and vocabulary, and to apply these terms to certain reasonably foreseeable risks that arise during live events. The standard is intended both to identify minimum requirements and provide questions and suggestions that help event organizers make reasonable choices under the circumstances of their event.

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