exposeabortion.com - Abortion - Pro Life - Expose Abortion

Description: Abortion is exposed with photos and quotes from the abortion industry, former abortion providers, and from women and men harmed by abortion.

child (2386) abortion (757) pro-life (528) prolife (314) unborn (254) anti-abortion (237) preborn (234) antiabortion (177)

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"Have nothing to do with the fruitless works of darkness," St. Paul writes. "Rather, expose them." (Ephesians 5:11)

As I have always said, abortion destroys itself. We just have to expose it to the air of human conscience. Violence thrives when it is hidden. We have to bring it out into the light of day. The world of abortion is filled with horror and corruption. We expose the procedure itself, in word and photo; we expose the damage it does to mothers, fathers, and families; we expose the unscrupulous practices inside the abortion mills, with the help especially of former abortion providers. Here, each day, we will post

Thank you for working with us to end abortion for good! Fr. Frank Pavone National Director

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