- Learn skills of Finns! (for example the four seasons)

Example domain paragraphs

Having the first four skills of this blog always along solves many problems, for example if applied to the largest groups of a country and to it's relationships to other countries, and gives lots of room to free life. As far as you all the time in everything follow these, you will probably deserve a high social position in your own country. Learning these does not need travel to Finland. Finnish version

b13.   18th of May 2023   I do not have children of my own but the two companion dogs that I had were really nice characters and even responsible, friendly toward others and with a good understanding and an individual character. In my experience they developed toward where they had been freely, learned on their own but with the support of the livibg environment somewhere near by, like having a higher general skill level because of having been taught some other skill yet doing completely freely, they picked  

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