hofferaward.com - Book Awards - Eric Hoffer Book Award, a top independent literary award

Description: independent book award for the small press, academic press & independent press, including self-published books

small press (126) self-published (93) independent authors (39) book award (13) literary award (9) academic press (7) independent books (2) eric hoffer book award (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Deadline Registration Information

Welcome T he Eric Hoffer Book Award honors the memory of the great American philosopher Eric Hoffer by highlighting salient writing, as well as the independent spirit of small publishers. Since its inception, the Hoffer has become one of the largest international book awards for small, academic, and independent presses. (learn more) The Prizes A grand prize of $2,500 is awarded annually. In addition, Eric Hoffer Book Award honors include various prizes within eighteen all-inclusive categories , separate pre

B ooks are submitted to the Hoffer Award through our easy nomination process by our annual deadline and according to guidelines . A single category registration qualifies a book for all prize consideration. The registration deadline is January 21st, document.write(AwardYear); . (learn more)

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