hybrid-intelligence-centre.nl - The Hybrid Intelligence Centre

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Starting in March 2023, the Hybrid Intelligence Center will be looking to fill new PhD student and postdoc vacancies.

Hybrid Intelligence (HI) is the combination of human and machine intelligence, expanding human intellect instead of replacing it. HI takes human expertise and intentionality into account when making meaningful decisions and perform appropriate actions, together with ethical, legal and societal values. Our goal is to design Hybrid Intelligent systems, an approach to Artificial Intelligence that puts humans at the centre, changing the course of the ongoing AI revolution.

By providing intelligent artificial collaborators that interact with people we strengthen our human capacity for learning, reasoning, decision making and problem solving. This interaction has the potential to amplify both human and machine intelligence by combining their complementary strengths. Hybrid Intelligence requires meaningful interaction between artificial intelligent agents and humans to negotiate and align goals, intentions and implications of actions. Developing HI needs fundamentally new soluti

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