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Description: Looking for a book to make you ha'BEE? Look no further. BEE'loved by many, the honey bee is super sweet. In this book you'll have fun learning all about the lives of honey bees. You'll discover how long they live, what they eat, the many different roles that bees play during their lives, and more!

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About About Looking for a book to make you hap'BEE? Look no further. BEE’loved by many, the honey bee is super sweet. In this educational book for children ages 6-8 you’ll have fun learning all about the lives of honey bees. You’ll discover how long they live, what they eat, the many different roles that bees play during their life, and more! This book would be great for a classroom setting in which children are learning about insects and nature or for children at home who have an interest in bees. The enga

I BEE a Honey BEE; All About the Life of a BEE was written and illustrated by graphic designer Jayme Kendall. Her parents' enjoyment of beekeeping inspired her to write this book. She wrote and illustrated the book in eight weeks as a homework assignment for a masters level publication class. To see more of Jayme's work, visit www.jaymeous.com .

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