icarda.org - ICARDA | Science for resilient livelihoods in dry areas

Description: The International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) provides innovative, science-based solutions for rural communities

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ICARDA is an international organization that for over four decades undertakes research-for-development to provide innovative, science-based agricultural solutions that improve the livelihoods resilience of rural dryland communities. Our non-profit solutions based on field-proven science are widely adopted across Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. We improve the lives of millions of smallholder dryland farmers by:

Climate Smart Crops Agrosilvopastoral Systems Soil, Water, and Agronomy Who we are ICARDA is the only CGIAR research center headquartered in the non-tropical drylands. Our unique dryland agricultural experience, combined with our extensive networks of research and development partners, including farming communities themselves, makes sure we provide people-centered solutions that are integrated directly into farming activities and food systems.

Four decades of innovative, science-driven solutions.

Links to icarda.org (46)