jaspervdj.be - jaspervdj - Home

Description: Personal home page and blog of Jasper Van der Jeugt.

blog (28976) homepage (16713) personal (9583) programming (6472) coding (2045) function (499) haskell (133) jasper van der jeugt (1)

Example domain paragraphs

I was born in 1990, and spent most of my youth in Lokeren & Ghent, Belgium. I currently live in Zürich and write code for Fugue Snyk .

I love Haskell because it's a lot of fun to write, and you end up with robust and maintainable software. I think PureScript is a good alternative when you're targeting the browser. Here are some things I made:

Sometimes I write things on this website. Here are some of the more interesting ones:

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