kaushik.net - Occam's Razor by Avinash Kaushik - Digital Marketing and Analytics Blog

Description: Avinash Kaushik is the author of Web Analytics 2.0 and Web Analytics: An Hour a Day. He is also the Co-Founder of Market Motive and the Digital Marketing Evangelist for Google.

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Digital Marketing and Analytics Blog

Your analysis provides clear data that the campaign was a (glorious) failure. It could not be clearer. The KPI you chose for your brand campaign was Trust, it had a pre-set target of +5. The post-campaign analysis that compares performance across Test & Control cells shows that Trust did not move at all. (Suspiciously, there are indications that in a handful of Test DMAs it might have gone down!) Every so often, the story is just as simple as that. You do the best you can with a marketing campaign (creative

Keep reading: Transform Data's Impact: Pick The Right Success KPI! »

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