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Thursday 20042023> 0727> ——————— 1st draft-in-progress> =============== There are many good reasons, and published non-fictional evidences,  for believing thatimmensely bad and deadly predicamentsare insidiously onrushing and undermining our whole civilisation. And in some very real-sense too,are actually ‘undermining’ our Leadersand that includes…

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Tuesday 29 August 2023> —————————————– How “All To No-Avail” may be the increasing ‘plethora’ of “Anti-Climate-Change Multi-$US-Millions-&-Billions of Bandaid Programmes Worldwide” ??? ========== Just as Global-Chaos -Research ‘came up with’ the notion of a “Single-Butterfly-Wing-Flap” on one side of the…

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