- Maslow

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Maslow is a large (4'x8') CNC cutting machine designed to let you cut big, useful things out of wood and other flat materials. Cut out a tiny house, a kayak, a tree house, some furniture, or anything else you can imagine.  Maslow is designed to be affordable to buy, cheap to ship, easy to use, and powerful. Because designs can be shared digitally, you can build on the work of others or create your own from scratch. Here is a quick introduction video.

Maslow began as a hobby project of Bar Smith in 2015. In 2016 Hannah Teagle joined to help run a Kickstarter campaign  to build an open source community around the project. In 2017 we shipped four more batches of kits sending thousands of machines around the world, and watched the community take off. In 2018 the project out grew what the original Maslow team could handle in terms of shipping volume, and we are currently in the process of turning the manufacturing of Maslow kits over to the community. You ca

Maslow has an active and amazing community. Here are some of the things they have made and shared in our forums. All photos belong to the project creators so please ask before using them.

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