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Description: A safe place to share your diabetes secrets. No judgement. No shame. No stigma. Merely catharsis through honesty.

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When I am fed up with this terrible disease, I often think: “I’ve got enough meds to simply drift off to sleep and not feel any pain” It’s certainly tempting and if things get any worse, that will be my answer. Share Your Secret | These Resources May Help #diabetes #submission July 14, 2021 15 notes Share this: Twitter Facebook Pinterest Google+ Sometimes when I go swimming, i feel self conscious about my v-go and the cgm. I always want to cover them. Share Your Secret | These Resources May Help #diabetes #

While the triumphees may believe they can be a source of inspiration, sometimes they are also a cause of grief. Individuals battle with personal acceptance. Acceptance of themselves as disabled, and acceptance of their disability by their peers, their communities, and by the neurotypical/abled world. The sad fact and personal dilemma to navigate is the fear of the threat to the greater chronic illness community and the social anxiety of propagating erroneous public perception of possibilities for particular

The fight Against ableism is a great one; however not many seem to be concerned about the opposite effect… where in saying to someone ‘you can do anything you want to’ it denies the reality that there are many things people want to do that they cannot. Just because some people ‘Can’, doesn’t mean anyone part of that community ‘should’ be able to. People within the communities for the most part, know that, yet some, do not consider it or simply do not realize the impact their speech may have on the outside p

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