pixelscrapper.com - Digital Scrapbooking at DigitalScrapbook.com

Description: A community site for digital artists and scrapbookers offering thousands of free images, templates, PSDs, kits, and tutorials.

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We're not just a website, we're a community. A community of people who believe in kindness, generosity, and a spirit of encouragement as we pursue creativity together. All you have to do is take a look at the comments on any given layout created by one of our community members in the gallery or the comments on any given graphic created by a community designer in the Commons , and you'll see these values in action. DigitalScrapbook.com is a place you can come to be built up. Not just in your creativity and a

Take a look at our forums to see what we mean. Wide-ranging conversations from the craft of digital scrapbooking to the best digital scrapbook software to use to people's favorite board games . If all you want are premium graphics, that's great, we have them. But if you're looking for more, we have that too: know and be known. We even have a live chat room — any hour of the day or night find fellow digital scrapbookers to connect with.

We're not just a store (we're not actually a store at all), we're a subscription service. We are the Netflix of digital scrapbooking. What does that mean? We streamline and make your digital scrapbooking hobby affordable like never before. No more agonizing over whether or not to drop $5-10 more on another kit that you’re not sure you can either afford or that you'll use. Pay only once a month, or once a year, an affordable flat-rate and download as much as you want, when you want. No more limits, no more s

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