poems.com - Poetry Daily

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Conversation: "For me, poetry more than any art form accommodates the feeling of life as I have lived it; it is the lasting trace of having lived..." (McSweeney's) #pdnews https://www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/timothy-donnelly

Essay: "Poems and gardens share congruence: Gardens distill nature, helping us see how to live inside what we must wisely steward." (LitHub) #pdnews https://lithub.com/the-real-life-poetry-of-gardening/

Report: "...it has emerged that Wordsworth brought himself closer to his brother’s memory by collecting physical reminders of him..." (The Guardian) #pdnews https://www.theguardian.com/books/2023/aug/27/wordsworth-romantic-poet-brother-death-shipwreck

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