q-o2.be - Q-O2 *

Example domain paragraphs

This fifth edi­tion of our festival will undoubtedly stand the test of time: count­less grip­ping per­form­ances, work­shops, talks, hangouts, unsus­pec­ted gath­er­ings, … a dream edi­tion it has been. But what might linger on longest in our ever time-sens­it­ive thoughts might be the micro-com­munity we’ve been part of last week­end. A micro­cos­mos of artists, part­ners (spe­cial thanks to Pieter and Maarten and the rest of the Needcompany team, Gert and the HISK crew, Père Stefano, and Charlemagne Pales

Some images HERE, sounds will follow.

Oscillation ::: o tempo — website

Links to q-o2.be (40)