- On the Seawall – a community gallery of new writing, art and commentary hosted by Ron Slate

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On the Seawall a community gallery of new writing, art and commentary hosted by Ron Slate Home Commentary Writing Art Contact Submit Your Work About July 2023 Edition Featured Commentary | July 10, 2023 on Calligraphies , poems by Marilyn Hacker & Collected Poems by Ellen Bryant Voigt reviewed by David Wojahn “Although the pair differ from one another in their concerns and methods, they share a durable — and sometimes quirky — mastery of prosody that is unmatched in contemporary verse.”

“To what end do I use the eucalyptus? Is use without use-value still use, or does it better approximate recycling, where objects have more value in their transfer than in their being? If I use the image I see in a photograph, what is its purpose, being different from value?”

“Yet another dagger pulsing under the rain / Diamonds and deliriums of tomorrow’s memories / Taffeta sweat homeless beaches / Madness of my flesh gone astray”

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