spectator.co.uk - The Spectator

Description: Weekly magazine featuring the best British journalists, authors, critics and cartoonists, since 1828

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From Spectator Life Penworthy Could the King land his first Royal Ascot winner? From Spectator Life Margaret Mitchell Why religious art is as relevant as ever From Spectator Life Liz Rowlinson Forget Florence – try Lucca From Spectator Life Andrew Cunningham Are boys’ schools a thing of the past? From Spectator Life First Charterhouse, then Winchester – now Westminster. In the past two years alone, three of Britain’s most famous schools have recently turned, or are planning to turn, fully co-educational. Ho

From Spectator Life Spectator TV Watch Harry vs the press & Oxfam attacks terfs Harry vs the press & Oxfam attacks terfs Watch 'We aren't a serious country': Matt Goodwin on where the liberal revolution went wrong 'We aren't a serious country': Matt Goodwin on where the liberal revolution went wrong Watch What is the point of Pride? Douglas Murray & Julie Bindel What is the point of Pride? Douglas Murray & Julie Bindel Stephen Arnell ‘I’m sorry, Dave’: AI in the movies From Spectator Life

The Prince vs the press

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