unbolt.me - unbolt me | the literary asylum

Description: ‘To open or unfasten by withdrawing a bolt.’ (Merriam-Webster) Why ‘unbolt’? Like introverts everywhere we prefer to sit inside our dark private sheds. And while we may prefer to hide our writings inside big wooden chests - behind bolt and bar - the time comes when those chests overflow. It’s time to unbolt, to open the chests. It’s time to show…

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‘To open or unfasten by withdrawing a bolt.’  ( Merriam-Webster )

Why ‘ unbolt ’?

Like introverts everywhere we prefer to sit inside our dark private sheds . And while we may prefer to hide our writings inside big wooden chests – behind bolt and bar – the time comes when those chests overflow. It’s time to unbolt, to open the chests.  It’s time to show what is hidden.

Links to unbolt.me (159)