withkoji.com - Koji Shutdown

Description: Koji Shutdown page

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Kyle is a content creator who uses TikTok and Instagram to showcase healthy recipes that are available through his cookbook. He first began experimenting in the kitchen after starting a new line of work in Idaho. He was working as a police officer at the time and had been searching for a way to make extra income on the side for his family. With Koji, Kyle was able to create his cookbook and take his passion from part-time to full-time.

We’ll discuss Kyle’s story in-depth below and show you how his cooking journey took him from law enforcement to making over five times his previous income with Koji. We’ll also explain how he got started and mention some tips he has for up-and-coming content creators.

Kyle and his family are originally from a small Northern California town called Paradise, which was destroyed by the Camp Fire in 2018. He and his family survived but lost their home and several people they knew in the fire. Six months later, they decided to pack up their bags and move to Idaho for a fresh start. Along with a new home, Kyle switched careers and began working in law enforcement.

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