zesumme.com - Zesumme | 40 Web Properties and Counting

Description: Welcome to Zesumme. Here is my full current project portfolio. Please note that many of these projects are under construction, being built in public. Travel and Lifestyle Iceland in 8 Days is a site dedicated to effective travel to, from, in and around the stunning country of Iceland. This is one of the oldest current

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Menu Home Zesumme is comprised of dozens of web properties managed as a solo project by digital entrepreneur John Bourscheid. About Zesumme About Zesumme In its most basic form, Zesumme is a catchall company for web projects started, obtained, rehabilitated, and managed by digital entrepreneur John Bourscheid . These projects are mainly focused in the buyer intent, travel and lifestyle, productivity and efficiency, and local services markets.

John has been active in the digital marketing field since 2006, mainly centered around his own projects. From 2013 to 2017, he ran Slate ORM , a successful solo online reputation management service catering to individuals and business entities. From 2017 to 2022, he was the digital marketing specialist and sole WordPress developer for the multi-billion dollar shipping and logistics enterprise Crowley . And from 2020 to 2022, he was co-founder and chief marketing officer of Removaly , an award-winning data r

In late 2022, Removaly was acquired, and John began a full-time digital marketing role at a highly influential company soon to be announced.

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