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Home Publications Research Services Software Blog Omid Mirzaei I am a senior security researcher at Cisco Talos . I did my PhD in COmputer SECurity (COSEC) lab at University Carlos III of Madrid (UC3M), Spain. During my PhD studies, I was working on android application triage, malware detection, and characterization. After PhD graduation, I joined the Systems Security Lab (SecLab) at Northeastern University in Boston, MA as a postdoctoral research associate and a Part-Time lecturer. During this period, I wa

My research interests include computer security, mobile security, malware analysis and applied machine learning in security. My research has won multiple prestigious awards . In my spare time, I write blog posts about my projects and related research areas.

Home Publications Research Services Software Blog Omid Mirzaei I am a security research lead in the email threat research team at Cisco Talos . With a solid foundation and a passion for safeguarding the digital world, my journey in the cybersecurity domain commenced during my doctoral studies in the COmputer SECurity (COSEC) lab at University Carlos III of Madrid (UC3M), Spain. During the course of my PhD studies, I delved into the fascinating realms of android application triage, malware detection, and cha

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